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About EAPC

Our mission is to promote excellence in research, practice, education and policy in cardiovascular health, primary and secondary prevention

Who we are

eacpr-top-banner-home.jpg The EAPC is the leading community for healthcare professionals involved in preventive cardiology and interested in tackling cardiovascular risk factors. It is a strong multidisciplinary network covering public health, primary care, secondary prevention and rehabilitation as well as sports cardiology and exercise.

What we do

  • Provide education in primary and secondary prevention
  • Ensure the dissemination of knowledge and standards in preventive cardiology
  • Recognise quality and monitor standards of care
  • Release consensus documents, textbooks and practical handbooks
  • Provide practical tools for CVD risk assessment and management

A message from your EAPC President

Read the message

Fast facts

  • Over 4,000 members
  • Over 70 volunteers in the EAPC Board, sections and committees
  • Over 60 national CVD prevention coordinators in ESC member countries
  • Over 30 EAPC Young Ambassadors worldwide

