The ESC has developed collaborative relationships with its cardiac society partners in Asia to make a difference in the prevention, diagnosis and management of cardiovascular disease on a global scale. To do this, it is extremely important to:
- Exchange for a better understanding of the regional needs and to share the latest worldwide science for best practice to advance the battle against cardiovascular disease.
- Collaborate and strengthen the relationship between Asia Pacific cardiovascular professionals and the worldwide cardiovascular community by participating in one or more of the exciting events where the European Society of Cardiology will actively be present.
ESC in Asia with APSC, 17/19 April- Busan-Korea
The European Society of Cardiology is presenting a half-day track on 19 April 2025 at the Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology Congress, taking place in Busan, Korea.
The two renowned cardiovascular societies bring together the latest in cutting-edge cardiovascular science, with an Asia-Pacific focus:
- Discuss the local implementation of the latest 2024 ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines
- Review a selection of Hot Lines presented at ESC Congress 2024 in a regional context
- ESC in Asia with APSC: Prof. Michel Komajda
- APSC Scientific Chair: Prof. Junya Ako
Scientific Programme
To be confirmed
There will be no additional registration fees for the ESC in Asia with APSC track.
If you have any questions, please send us an email at
Other Events in Asia with the ESC in 2025 & 2026
To be confirmed