As the new President of EAPC, I would like to share with you my plans and proposals for my 2022-2024 tenure. My focus will be on education, certification, and accreditation. We will lay the groundwork to establish preventive cardiology as a specialty with a strong educational offer based on the EAPC Core Curriculum for Preventive Cardiology, that sets standards of care, and which has a network of EAPC Accredited centres. We hope to hold the first Preventive Cardiology Certification exam in 2023!
We want to continue our work in establishing EAPC as the 'risk factor association', a project that was successfully established by my predecessors – specifically around diabetes, lipids, and hypertension. Promoting a holistic approach to risk factor management and addressing medical therapy in addition to lifestyle interventions also comes within our remit.
I have a great team around me to achieve these goals. I would like to take a moment to thank the EAPC Board and the sections that work on all our different projects. Success is best when shared!
I invite you to follow our progress by joining our community and participating in our activities: submitting abstracts for our congress, registering for courses, participating in webinars. I look forward to seeing you in Malaga next April for ESC Preventive Cardiology 2023!
Michael Papadakis, FESC
EAPC President 2022-2024