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Polish Cardiac Society

The Polish Cardiac Society is a member of the European Society of Cardiology

Poland, PL


As a member of the Polish Cardiac Society, you are automatically a member of the European Society of Cardiology and the ESC Community.


Board 2023-2025

President:  Prof. Robert Gil, FESC

President Elect: Prof. Marek Gierlotka, FESC

Past-President: Prof. Przemyslaw Mitkowski, FESC

Secretary: Prof. Tomasz Pawlowski, FESC

Treasurer: Prof. Marek Grygier

Key information

Number of members: 5021

Year of Foundation: 1954

ESC Member since: 1956


Polish Heart Journal is the official journal of the Polish Cardiac Society. This monthly journal aims to provide a platform for sharing knowledge in cardiology, from basic science to translational and clinical research. The first publication was in 1957. Since then, 12 issues are published in English and Polish every year.
Editor-in-chief: Anetta Undas

ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines endorsed by your National Society




Upcoming events

  • Thursday 08 - Saturday 10 May 2025 (3 Days)
    08/05/2025 14:00 10/05/2025 14:00 Europe/Paris EHRA Interventional Electrophysiology and Examination Preparatory Course

    The EHRA Interventional Electrophysiology and Examination Preparatory Course intends to review some of the difficult concepts on interventional EP and to test the knowledge and improve the skills of those planning to sit for the EHRA certification exam.

    European Heart Rhythm Association DD/MM/YYYY
    European Heart Rhythm Association
    Warsaw - Poland

    Everything you need to know to be well-prepared for the EHRA EP Certification Exam. The course will take place from 8 to 10 May 2025 in Warsaw, Poland.


  • Friday 29 August - Monday 01 September 2025 (4 Days)
    29/08/2025 00:00 01/09/2025 00:00 Europe/Paris ESC Congress 2025 together with World Congress of Cardiology

    Warsaw - Poland European Society of Cardiology true DD/MM/YYYY
    European Society of Cardiology
    Madrid - Spain