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Overview of Cardiac Rehabilitation: The Centre

Where is the Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) programme offered?


In general, hospital-linked or healthcare-linked CR programmes are more commonly used in the Western and Northern part of Europe, programmes at specialised institutions are more widespread in the Eastern countries, whereas Southern European countries provide both alternatives.

Out-patient model

In the majority of the reporting countries, phase II was available only as an outpatient service. Well described examples can be found in Ireland, Portugal, Malta, Slovakia, Italy, United Kingdom and Belgium.

In-patient model

In Iceland and Germany, both inpatient and outpatient options are available according to patients’ preference, whereas in France and Croatia inpatient rehabilitation is only offered to post-surgical or high-risk patients in particular. Mainly in-patient models are reported from Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan and Russia.

CR at home

With the assistance of telephone and/or computer monitoring programmes have been designed for CR at home (United Kingdom, Lithuania and Belgium) but this option is still fairly uncommon.


Note: The content of this article reflects the personal opinion of the author/s and is not necessarily the official position of the European Society of Cardiology.


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This first version is derived from 28 "Country of the Month" reports from National CVD Prevention Coordinators of ESC member countries. Additional countries will be incorporated in the next version.