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Special Tracks

ESC Congress

Sessions designed to address specific themes, audience and topics, with an in-depth content approach.

New! Vascular Track

The vascular track enables to spot all the sessions addressing (non-cardiac) vascular diseases. This includes the sessions on the diagnosis as well as the medical and interventional management of aortic, arterial and venous disorders.

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NEW! ESC Education Track

Exciting ESC content and globally renowned speakers are lined up to take you through various interactive and productive sessions about the ESC learning tools.

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Cardiac Anatomy and Pathology Live sessions

Popular hands-on and live video demonstrations of heart specimens that show unique examples of congenital and acquired heart disease.
These sessions are organised jointly by the Working Group on Development, Anatomy & Pathology.

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NEW! Special Sessions

In a range of scientific sessions, particularly relevant topics will be addressed using dynamic formats, to include:

Meet the Legends

ESC Gold Medallists

W Wijns, FESC (Brussels, BE)
Hear about his professional journey & scientific experiences.
What made him do it? What lessons has he learned? And what may inspire you?

A DeMaria (La Jolla, US)
will give the "ESC Awards Inspirational Career Lecture" during the Awards Ceremony taking place in Dali (The Hub) on Monday 28 August at 18:00

Also not to be missed

Eric Topol, MD, Chair of Innovative Medicine at The Scripps Research Institute and former Chairman of Cardiovascular Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic, will give a keynote address during the Inaugural session on Saturday: The Future of Cardiovascular Medicine in the Digital Era

ESC Named Lectures

The Named lectures take place in the corresponding villages on Sunday 27 August. This year the Named Lecture is followed by the Young Investigator Awards session on the same topic.

S Capewell, FESC (Liverpool, UK)
08:30 ESC Geoffrey Rose Lecture on Population Sciences
Can we eradicate premature cardiovascular deaths?

C Boileau (Paris, FR)
14:00 ESC William Harvey Lecture on Basic Science
PCSK9: a journey of discovery from genetics to clinical trials

MC Morice, FESC (Massy, FR)
14:00 ESC Andreas Grüntzig Lecture on Interventional Cardiology
The revolution in the treatment of patients with aortic stenosis

GA Derumeaux, FESC (Creteil, FR)
14:00 ESC Rene Laennec Lecture on Clinical Cardiology
Adipose tissue and myocardial ageing


More on the Gold Medalists and the Named Lectures

More on the Named Lectures


General Cardiology & Surgery

General Cardiology for Physicians, Technicians and General Practitioners

A programme designed specifically for primary care physicians, general practitioners as well as general cardiologists to further their knowledge and enhance practice.
The sessions will address daily practice issues and offer a forum for discussions and exchange between professionals and an international panel of experts.

NEW!  Not to be missed on Wednesday 30 August from 09:00 to 10:00 in the Hub - Congress Condensed – General Cardiology - For essential take-home messages on general cardiology from at ESC Congress 2017.

This programme is organised by the ESC Councils for Cardiology Practice and Cardiovascular Primary Care.

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General Cardiology for Nurses and Allied Professionals

The participants will be able to discuss and debate the latest developments and future prospects and how nurse - led services contribute to improved evidence - based practice and outcomes, and effective strategies for guideline implementation.

This programme is organised in conjunction with the ESC Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions, in collaboration with Spanish nursing community.

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Cardiovascular Surgery

The track will address the future of cardiac surgical technology and feature recorded clinical cases.

This programme is organised in collaboration with the ESC Working Group on Cardiovascular Surgery and local groups with a focus on the education of the cardiologists on surgical aspects.

Saturday 26 August:

09:00 - 10:30 Aortic root to bifurcation - A journey through a vessel
11:00 - 12:30 Selecting the best revascularisation strategy in stable CAD
13:30 - 15:00 Surgery for "frequent flyers" with severe heart failure

You may also be interested in other sessions and presentations throughout the congress on Cardiovascular Surgery

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