As a member of the Maltese Cardiac Society, you are automatically a member of the European Society of Cardiology and the ESC Community.
President: Dr. Maryanne Caruana
Vice-President: Dr. Alex Borg
Secretary: Dr. Mark Sammut
Treasurer: Dr. Philip Dingli
Key Information
Number of members: 54
Year of Foundation: 2007
ESC Member since: 2008
Aims, objectives and responsibilities
- The advancement of knowledge of diseases of the heart and circulation.
- To organise post-graduate educational activities and to encourage the provision of a high standard of teaching and training for undergraduates.
- To conduct, direct, encourage, support or provide for cardiac research.
- To diffuse information on matters related to cardiology and circulation through publications and other media and hold such meetings (seminars etc.) as may assist the objectives of the society.
- To join, liaise, affiliate, register with other local, national, regional or international bodies that will further the aims of the society.
- To promote and maintain high professional standards and ethics.
- To grant certificates of proficiency or standards or diplomas in cardiology and carry out such assessments as may be necessary to further this aim.
- To establish a register of members that shall be available for viewing upon request to the Secretary.
- To pursue such other activities as are deemed to be necessary/ consonant with the aims of the society.