In this excellent review Baggish and Boucher (1) review the three currently available radiopharmaceutical agents for myocardial perfusion imaging: Thallium 201, Tetrofosmin and Sestamibi. They discuss their physical properties, physiological properties, and logistic considerations in clinical practice (including radiation exposure, safety issues, preparation and handling…). Also cost considerations and clinical performance considerations are explained and discussed. This excellent review may be of help for all physicians involved in nuclear cardiology.
In this excellent review Baggish and Boucher (1) review the three currently available radiopharmaceutical agents for myocardial perfusion imaging: Thallium 201, Tetrofosmin and Sestamibi. They discuss their physical properties, physiological properties, and logistic considerations in clinical practice (including radiation exposure, safety issues, preparation and handling…). Also cost considerations and clinical performance considerations are explained and discussed. This excellent review may be of help for all physicians involved in nuclear cardiology.