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Rules and regulations - ESC Congress 2021 free registration prize draw


The "Organising Company", EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF CARDIOLOGY (ESC), registered at the following address: Maison Européenne du Cœur, 2035 Route des Colles – Les Templiers – CS80179 Biot, 06903 SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS Cedex France represented by its Managing Director (CEO) BARDINET Isabel, is organizing from 28th February to 31st March 2021 a prize draw exclusively for the ESC Professional members which Membership expired between 30 December 2019 and 31 December 2020. Those former members will be recipients of the email “free prize draws” inviting them to renew their ESC Professional Membership between 27 February 2021 and 31 March 2021. The Prize Draw is called:

One month to win a free ESC Congress 2021 registration”

These present rules and regulations define the legal rules applicable to this prize draw (hereinafter Prize Draw). 


Participation in this Prize Draw is open to all ESC Professional members which Membership expired between 30 December 2019 and 31 December 2020,and who renewed their ESC Professional Membership  between 27 February 2021 and 31 March 2021 (hereinafter the Participants). Employees and staff of the Organising Company or any person involved in the organisation of the Prize Draw are not eligible.   

The renewal of membership has to be done directly through the webpage.

All Participants must read and accept the rules and regulations presented hereunder.

The Participant certifies that any data provided as part of his/her participation is accurate. Any misrepresentation or incorrect and / or incomplete declaration automatically results in the cancellation of his/her participation.

Any information proven to be wrong or invalid shall implicitly lead to the participant being excluded from the draw.


An email shall be sent on 27th February 2021 to all ESC Professional members which Membership expired between 30 December 2019 and 31 December 2020. Amongst the latter, all those who will renew their ESC Professional membership from 27th February to 31st March 2021 will be put automatically into the draw. The draw will take place on 6th April 2021 and the winners will be informed by the Organising Company by e-mail.

The Organising Company will contact each winner by e-mail to make the arrangements for the registration with the congress. Winners who do not reply before June 30th, 2021 to the email informing them that they have been selected for a prize, will automatically lose the benefit of their prize. More information and practical details on the registrations will be provided to the winners in due time.

Article 4. THE PRIZES

  1. Twenty free registrations for ESC Congress 2021 The Digital Experience valued each at €95 including tax
  2. Ten free registrations for ESC Congress 2021 The Digital Experience valued each at €55 including tax : these free registrations are specific for ESC Professional Members under age 40 (born after 30 August 1981)

The prize offered is strictly nominative and cannot be transferred to another person.

In the event the winner does not, or cannot, benefit from all or part of the prize won, regardless of  reason, under the conditions described herein, he/she will lose the full benefit of the prize without any compensation or indemnity.

Any unclaimed prize may be used by the Organising Company as it sees fit.

The winner who has not claimed the prize before June 30th 2021 will be deemed to have permanently abandoned the prize.

Any false identity or email address provided will result in his/her elimination. Similarly, the Organising Company reserves the right to take legal action, by all means necessary, against anyone attempting to abuse this regulation, in particular the provision regarding inaccurate information.

The prizes may  not give rise, on the part of the winner, to any dispute of any kind, nor to the award of their equivalent value in money, nor to their replacement or exchange for any reason whatsoever.

In case of force majeure, or if the circumstances so require, the Organising Company reserves the right to replace the prize won by a prize of equal or greater value.


Each participant will participate only once based on the renewal of his/her membership.


The winners will be notified directly by e-mail.

The Organising Company may not be held responsible for any misdirected e-mails.


The information provided by Participants is subject to computerised processes to handle the organisation of the Prize Draw.

The data controller is the Organising Company.

For the organisation of the Prize Draw, the Organising Company will collect the following personal data : Name, email and contact details.

Personal data are collected and processed for the following purposes : management of the Prize Draw, information of the winners, promotion of the winners (including on social medias), management of claims in relation with the Prize Draw.

Personal data of participants may be transferred to third party service providers of the Organising Company for the management of the prize delivery.

In accordance with the chapter 3 of the European Regulation 2016/679 with regards to data protection, participants have the right to request from Organising Company, access to and rectification or erasure of their personal data or restriction of processing concerning their data or to object to processing as well as the right to data portability. For such, please send a request to the following e-mail address: or to Data Privacy, European Society of Cardiology, Les Templiers, 2035 Route des Colles, CS 80179 Biot, 06903 SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS CEDEX, France. Please be aware that a proof of identity may be required during the process.

Participants have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, and for information, the Organising Company has appointed a Data Protection Officer that can be reached at by email.


The responsibility of the Organising Company is limited to the maximum overall amount of the prize involved.

The Organising Company cannot be held liable for any damage of any kind to a participant arising out of his/her participation in the Prize Draw.

The Organising Company cannot be responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from an interruption, a malfunction whatsoever, a suspension or the end of the Prize Draw, regardless of the reason.

The Organising Company cannot be held liable, in the event the Prize Draw operation is modified, shortened or cancelled due to a force majeure or to any act beyond its control.

In all cases, the Organising Company reserves the right to extend or reduce the participation period.

Additions, or in case of force majeure, modifications to these rules and regulations may occur during the Prize Draw. However, any changes in this respect will be notified beforehand by the Organising Company, using all appropriate means, in particular through its website.

The Participant undertakes not to challenge the admissibility, validity or evidential value of the afore mentioned elements, in computerised format or on a computer or electronic medium, on the ground of any legal provision whatsoever specifying that certain documents must be written or signed by the parties in order to constitute evidence.

Therefore, the elements considered constitute evidence and, should they be used as evidence by the Organising Company in any dispute or proceedings, they shall be admissible, valid and enforceable between the parties in the same way, under the same conditions and with the same probative force as any document that is established, received or retained in writing.

The Organising Company reserves the right to exclude from participation in this Prize Draw any person disturbing the conduct of the Prize Draw .

The Organising Company reserves the right to use any recourse against, and in particular to prosecute anyone who makes use of cheating, fraud, falsification or disrupting the operations described herein, or, who may have attempted to do so.

Any Prize Draw  participant who is considered by the Organising Company to have disrupted the Prize Draw  operation in any of the aforementioned ways will immediately lose his/her rights to receive any winning prize, without being entitled to any claim.


Any dispute or claim related to this prize draw shall only be taken into account if sent before the Prize Draw (April 5th, 2021).

Any dispute or claim must be made by e-mail to the Organising Company to the following address:

The e-mail must specify the exact date of Professional Membership renewal, the participant’s full details, and the exact reason for the claim. Any other means of contestation or claim may not be considered.

The Organising Company will be the sole authority to decide on any issue or ambiguity arising out of the application or interpretation of the present rules during the course the Prize Draw.


Participation in the Prize Draw implies full acceptance of these Rules.

Any practical issues arising out of the interpretation or application of these rules shall be decided by the Organising Company.

Requests by telephone regarding the interpretation or application of these rules, the mechanisms or the terms of the Prize Draw or on the designation of the winner will not be answered.


The present rules are available on request, free of charge, from the European Society of Cardiology at the Maison Européenne du Coeur - 2035 Route des Colles – Les Templiers – CS 80179 Biot – 06903 SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS CEDEX France.


The Prize draw, the Rules and their interpretation are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts and governed by French law.