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National Topic Expert

Find out the role of your national topic expert

Topic experts are involved in dissemination and implementation actions of ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines.

The topic expert is proposed by the National Guidelines Coordinator (NGC) for a specific ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines

Their main roles and actions are:

  • Role in dissemination and implementation actions of ESC Guidelines in his/her area of expertise, in conjunction with the NGC.
  • Report regularly to NGC on the past and future activities.
  • Main responsibilities defined by any activities that may help ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines dissemination such as:
    • Translation of ESC Pocket Guidelines with NGC
    • Creation and/or translation of educational materials, such as essential messages, clinical cases, MCQs...
    • Scientific sessions during national congresses with NGC and National Cardiac Societies Board.
    • Webcasts available in the National Cardiac Societies websites with NGC

For more information, please contact

CVD Prevention

National CVD Prevention Coordinators (NCPC) have been appointed by the Presidents of National Cardiac Societies in ESC Members countries, their main rules, actions, initiatives and the list of the NCPC is available here.
Prevention in your country

The EAPC interactive website ”Prevention in your country” is an initiative of the Prevention Implementation Committee (PIC) of the EAPC with the aim to encourage networking in preventive cardiology between the ESC member nations and to offer updated concise information to the ESC membership. The 60 national prevention coordinators, appointed by the national societies of cardiology, have been asked to contribute to a report on the state of prevention in their countries. This includes base data on health care, CVD risk factors, prevention campaigns and rehabilitation programmes and for the near future.

So far reports from 16 countries have been entered on the site with an interactive map of Europe. Each two months two new countries are added with Portugal and Spain coming up soon. At this website, the reader can find both a quick reading short version and a background report with relevant links. The Prevention in your Country section has attracted over 13.000 individual visitors so far.