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It was fantastic to reunite during ICNC-CT 2024, a key scientific event.
All delegates will be able to review on-demand presentations on ESC 365 from 27 May for one year.
To access presentations on ESC 365 from all EACVI events and receive additional benefits, become a member of the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI).
Find out more on how to retrieve your Certificate of Attendance and Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credits, available from 5 June.
We very much look forward to seeing you again at EuroEcho-Imaging 2024 from 11 to 13 December.
The International Conference on Nuclear Cardiology & Cardiac CT
Your opportunity to give the best exposure to your research and science.
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European Society of Cardiology
European Heart HouseLes Templiers2035 Route des CollesCS 80179 Biot
06903, Sophia Antipolis, FR
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European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)
Schmalzhofgasse 26
A-1060 Vienna, AT, AT
Tel. +43-1-890 44 27
Fax +43-1-890 44 27-9
American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC)
9302 Lee Highway, Suite 1210
22031 Fairfax, Virginia, US
Tel. +1-703-459-2555
Fax +1-301-215-7113
Conference and ExhibitionPalacio de Exposiciones y CongresosAv. Alcalde Luis Uruñuela, 1
41020 Seville, ES
Our mission: To reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease.