Young Investigator Awards
The Young Investigator Award (YIA) competition is designed for presenters who are 35 or under.
YIA Finalists presented their research and a panel of experts who determined the winner. All YIA finalists will benefit from a free registration to Acute Cardiovascular Care 2019 and will have the opportunity to submit a paper for FAST TRACK review & immediate publication in the EHJ-ACVC.
Congratulations to the winner - Dr. Sebastian Wiberg (Frederiksberg, Denmark)
Doctor Sebastian Wiberg with Professor Maddalena Lettino at AcuteCVD 2019
Presentation title: The biomarker mid-regional pro-adrenomedullin drawn upon admission for ST-elevation myocardial infarction is a strong predictor of 30-day mortality
ACVC Research Prize
ACVC Research Prize: scientists and clinicians are invited to submit their un-published research in the area of acute cardiovascular care with a focus on quality of care research, clinical outcomes research and translational research applied to the development of novel therapeutic, diagnostic and logistical strategies to improve patient care and long-term outcomes.
Congratulation to the winner - Dr. Claudio Montalto (Pavia, Italy)
Professor Maddalena Lettino with Doctor Claudio Montalto at AcuteCVD 2019
Presentation title: Prospective validation of ACVC quality indicators on optimal medical therapy in consecutive patients with acute myocardial infarction of a tertiary care center