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ESC Acute CardioVascular Care 2025, Florence, 14 - 15 March

For all healthcare professionals involved in acute cardiac care: update your skills at ESC Acute CardioVascular Care 2025!

Research methodology

Key opinion leaders will guide you on elements needed to design an observational study in an acute cardiovascular care setting and how to submit a successful abstract.

The course will be divided between lectures and a practical research workshop where the small groups of attendees, divided in small groups, will design a project synopsis under supervision of experienced trialists.


This workshop is divided into 3 parts:

Friday 14 March


Saturday 15 March


11:45 - 13:15

Part 1 – session programme

08:45 - 10:15

Part 2 - session programme



12:00 - 13:30

Part 3 - session programme


IMPORTANT INFORMATION: by registering for this workshop, you commit to attending all 3 sessions. To register for this workshop, you first need to register for ESC Acute CardioVascular Care Congress 2025.

Register now

NEW! Machine troubleshooting

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: No registration is required for this workshop, places will be assigned on a first come first served basis. A maximum of 20 participants is allowed for each session. 

Machine troubleshooting comprises several hands-on workshops, each focused on a specific device. These workshops aim to enhance understanding of device usage, ICU management, and potential complications, while also highlighting common pitfalls. (e.g. VA-ECMO, PLVAD, etc.)


8 repeated sessions will be held during the congress:

Friday 14 March


Saturday 15 March


11:45 - 12:45

Session programme

10:50 - 11:50

Session programme

14:05 - 15:05

Session programme

12:00 - 13:00

Session programme

16:10 - 17:10

Session programme

14:20 - 15:20

Session programme

17:20 - 18:20

Session programme

15:30 - 16:30

Session programme

Escape games on Cardiac arrest and on Cardiogenic shock

Escape game on Cardiac arrest

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: No registration is required for this workshop, places will be assigned on a first come first served basis. A maximum of 25 participants is allowed for each session (divided into 5 groups of 5).

To learn how to ensure key critical care for management out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients, including indications for early and coordinated resuscitation, defibrillation, and early transfer to a cardiac arrest centre; to evaluate first approach to patients following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with focus on respiratory and haemodynamic support and the need for revascularisation; and to integrate decision-making elements in a teamwork approach.

Escape game on Cardiogenic shock

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: No registration is required for this workshop, places will be assigned on a first come first served basis. A maximum of 28 participants is allowed for each session (divided into 4 groups of 7).

To learn how to incorporate key critical care for management of cardiogenic shock, including indications for early revascularisation and appropriate revascularisation, appropriate selection of vasoactive medications, and indications for respiratory support; to evaluate indications and interpret haemodynamic parameters for patients with deteriorating cardiogenic shock, employing appropriate classifications for their shock phenotypes and severity; and to integrate decision-making elements - such as advanced life support in critical care cardiology settings - for patients with cardiogenic shock who need escalation of therapies.


4 repeated sessions of each workshop will be held during the congress (Cardiac arrest on Friday 14 March and Cardiogenic shock on Saturday 15 March):

Friday 14 March

Escape game on Cardiac arrest

Saturday 15 March

Escape game on Cardiogenic shock

10:35 - 11:35

Session programme

10:50 - 11:50

Session programme

14:05 - 15:05

Session programme

12:00 - 13:00

Session programme

16:10 - 17:10

Session programme

14:20 - 15:20

Session programme

17:20 - 18:20

Session programme

15:30 - 16:30

Session programme


Simulation on Cardiac arrest and on Cardiogenic shock

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: No registration is required for this workshop, places will be assigned on a first come first served basis. A maximum of 8 participants is allowed for each session (divided into 2 groups of 4). 

To learn and reflect on the role of non-technical skills in critical cardiovascular situations, using participant-centred learning in a safe environment where mistakes become learning opportunities.
Scenario 1: learn how to communicate effectively in critical situations.
Scenario 2: reflect on situational awareness in cardiology emergencies.


3 repeated sessions of each workshop will be held during the congress (Cardiogenic shock on Friday 14 March and Cardiac arrest on Saturday 15 March):

Friday 14 March

Simulation on Cardiogenic shock

Saturday 15 March

Simulation on Cardiac arrest

11:45 - 12:45

Session programme

12:00 - 13:00

Session programme

14:05 - 15:05

Session programme

14:20 - 15:20

Session programme

16:10 - 17:10

Session programme

15:30 - 16:30

Session programme