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ESC Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy

EHJ- Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy

The European Heart Journal – Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy (EHJ-CVP) is the official journal of the European Society of Cardiology and the ESC Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy. The journal reports on the interpretation and integration of new scientific developments  to improve the pharmacological treatment of patients with cardiovascular disease.

It publishes original articles on clinical research, with new and established drugs and methods, as well as meta-analysis and topical reviews.

  • Editor-in-chief: Stefan Agewall FESC, NO
  • Current volume: 8 (year 2022)
  • Issues per subscription: 8
  • Impact Factor 2020: 6.617

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ESC Texbook on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy

Edited by Juan Carlos Kaski and Keld Per Kjeldsen

This European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Handbook on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy has been developed by experts from the ESC Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy.
Its recommendations are aligned with the ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines and based on the most recent scientific evidence in cardiovascular pharmacology and pharmacotherapy.
The handbook provides up-to-date information on pharmacotherapy for cardiovascular disease prevention, and treatment of cardiovascular disease, including ischaemic heart disease, heart failure, arrhythmias, and structural heart disease.
The handbook also deals with the important problems of cardiovascular pharmacotherapy in pregnancy and lactation, kidney insufficiency, and liver disease as well as focusing on major drug interactions, a topic of extreme importance in clinical practice.

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Scientific documents

The Working Group published Position Papers and Consensus Documents in the ESC Journals family.

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Recommended readings & best papers

The Working Group regularly publishes a list of recommended reading in your field of interest:

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Stefan Agewall, Editor in Chief of the EHJ - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy, shares his selection of the best articles in each edition of the journal:

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ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines

