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Plenary meeting "Strategic Outlook Review"

Location: Frankfurt, Germany

29/05/2024 12:00 29/05/2024 15:00 Europe/Paris Plenary meeting "Strategic Outlook Review"

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The programme for this meeting is currently under construction. More information will follow in due course.

Objectives of the CRT Meeting 

The objective of this meeting is to ensure that the CRT members' needs are being met while also ensuring that the goals of the CRT are in line with the ESC Strategic Plan and current industry trends. Additionally, this will serve as an opportunity to inject new dynamism into the CRT and enhance its overall effectiveness.

Draft Programme

Academic Chairpersons

  • Assoc. Prof. Chiara Bucciarelli Ducci
  • Prof. Gregory Y. Lip

Industry Chairpersons

  • Dr Andre Ziegler (Roche Diagnostics International Ltd.)


Draft programme to be released soon.