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Call for Scientists of Tomorrow (SoT) nucleus members 2024

Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science

The Scientists of Tomorrow (SoT) is a group of young, proactive basic and translational researchers (PhDs and/or MDs) who have been working closely since 2013 with the ESC Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science. Their aim is to promote and support basic science among young ESC Members.

If you are a driven, early career, basic researcher or physician-scientist working in the cardiovascular field and willing to share your ideas with the young ESC community and actively contribute to the scientific, educational and advocacy activities of the ESC, apply to join the SoT Nucleus!

Two new SoT nucleus members will be selected to join the team at the beginning of 2024.

Priority will be given to early-career group leaders or young faculty members (maximum five years after the first faculty position) working in basic or translational cardiovascular science in Europe. Candidates should be under 40 years old, highly motivated, inventive and communicative, with good English skills. They should have already made a considerable contribution to basic cardiovascular science. Gender and geographical representation in the SoT nucleus will be taken into consideration. Importantly, applicants MUST be SoT members (join via LinkedIn) in order to apply to be part of the SoT nucleus.

To find out more about our group and activities, visit our webpage and connect with us on LinkedIn! The SoT already has more than 2,000 members.

Applicants should submit a CV including their five most important publications, a statement of cardiovascular research interest, and a motivation letter explaining in detail how the SoTs should serve the young basic scientists in Europe.

Applications should be sent to before 20 December 2023 . A supporting letter from your employer or a mentor and/or a Fellow of the ESC is recommended, but not required.