Many thanks for your interest in the accreditation process. Please find the payment options below.
By Credit Card
To register for the process and pay by credit card please click on the register link just below:
Choosing this method will speed up your accreditation process.
By Bank Transfer
Please complete this form which contains our bank details for your information: EACVI Laboratory Re-accreditation Application - Bank transfer form.
PLEASE NOTE: When naming the transaction with your bank give it a name which will clearly state it is from your institution and for the re-accreditation process. For example, "EchoLab France - EACVI Lab Re-accreditation".
Once you have completed the form please email it to the address:
Post Payment
Confirmation and further information will follow your registration up to 7 working days after the payment has been processed (this tends to take longer with bank transfers).
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any difficulties or queries.