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Editorial - December 2021

ESC Working Group on Myocardial Function

Dear Members,

Unfortunately, the COVID pandemic is starting to impact in some countries, and for the second consecutive year, the highly successful HFA Winter Meeting on Translational Heart Failure Research, that our WG proudly co-organises, will also have an on-line only format in 2022. Access the preliminary programme.

The Virtual Winter Meeting 2021 has been very successful, and we trust that this 2022 virtual Winter Meeting will not disappoint you! On 28 January we have a special lecture specifically organised by our WG, focusing on the very actual topic of Animal-free approaches in Heart Failure research. We are sure to have exciting abstract sessions as last year.

Our Nucleus will continue to be in touch through Zoom meetings in order to organize other Web Symposia and write new position papers.

Stay safe!

On behalf of the Working Group nucleus,

Carlo Gabriele Tocchetti, Chairperson 2020-2022


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