Dear Members,
The ESC Congress 2020 - The Digital Experience is now behind us. It was really an extraordinary organised meeting, however the flavour of face to face interaction is irreplaceable.
The digital modality did not prevent us from attending a very successful Young Investigator Awards Session on Coronary Pathophysiology and Microcirculation that took place on Sunday 30, August at 9:53.
Four finalists – young investigators: Drs Nishimiya, Montone, Bonnet and Rincon presented their excellent studies, and we are happy to once again congratulate all of them in this newsletter and in particular Dr. Rocco Montone from Italy, who was this year's award winner with his research project titled: ‘Macrophage infiltrates in coronary plaque erosion portend a worse cardiovascular outcome in patients with acute coronary syndromes”.
For the first time, we welcomed our new nucleus members via our zoom meeting held on 3 September, Drs. Djordjevic-Dikic, Cenko and Fleming, instead of during the ESC Congress.
The third call for the Mobility Travel Grant (MTG) was already announced in our August newsletter, unfortunately, we still can’t display the exact timeline due to travel restrictions in different countries that are still in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore we urge you to follow our website regularly to be timely informed about the exact dates.
I would like to inform you that currently, we are working on several scientific papers, and for the next two-year period we are planning several position papers.
It is my pleasure to invite you as members of this working group to share all your ideas for recommended readings, or to highlight a recent article in a commentary, or any suggestions and ideas you have, by communicating them through me as a Chairperson, or through other members of the nucleus.
Dear colleagues, I wish all of us successful and fruitful cooperation.
On behalf of the Working Group nucleus,
Dimitris Tousoulis, Chairperson 2020-2022