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ESC Working Group on Coronary Pathophysiology & Microcirculation

The ESC Working Group on Coronary Pathophysiology and Microcirculation welcomes everybody who shares our interest in clinical and basic research in the field of coronary pathophysiology from the large down to the terminal vessels. Clinicians as well as basic researchers in the field of vascular biology are welcomed.

Our aim is their integration to promote the understanding, to address prevention and to improve diagnosis and treatment of impaired coronary perfusion. 

Our Working Group was featured in the November 2023 edition of CardioPulse in the European Heart Journal. Read about the activities in which our Working Group is involved.

Aims & Activities

The activity of the Working Group on Coronary Pathophysiology and Microcirculation has increased significantly during the last years. Particular emphasis has been given to the fundamental interaction between basic scientists and clinicians. This tradition of the Working Group has also been respected with regard to the composition of the Nucleus including members coming from basic science and clinical research. Altogether the Working Group has reinforced its role and presence in the European Society of Cardiology and in the activities of the cluster in order to promote research in clinical and basic science.


  • To advance an integrative understanding of the physiology and phatophysiology of coronary vessels
  • To support investigations of coronary vascular physiology and biology in health and disease
  • To address prevention and to improve diagnosis and treatment of coronary artery disease, by promoting and coordinating pre-clinical and clinical  studies
  • To disseminate cutting-edge information related to the fields of coronary pathophysiology, microcirculation and ischemia
  • To promote participation of members to Working Group scientific activities


  • To disseminate updates and last breaking information by contributing to the organization and preparation of the annual ESC congress and to endorse joint meetings and symposia during Cardiac National Societies Scientific Meetings
  • To publish Position Papers and Consensus Documents addressing relevant issues and identify gaps that need to be addressed in future research efforts
  • To organize scientific meetings on contemporary relevant issues in the field of Coronary Pathophysiology and Microcirculation

Nucleus 2024-2026


Edina Cenko, FESC, Italy


Marija Zdravkovic, FESC, Serbia


Teresa Padro, FESC, Spain


Alfredo Ruggero Galassi, FESC, Italy


Ines Drenjancevic, Croatia


Sanja Stankovic, Serbia

Nucleus members

  • Mirza Dilic, FESC, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Kyriakos Dimitriadis, FESC, Greece
  • Daphne Merkus, Germany
  • Laurent Marc Riou, France
  • Christopher Peter Gale, FESC, UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland*
  • Tomasz Guzik, FESC, UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland*
  • Davor Milicic, FESC, Croatia*
  • Elmir Omerovic, FESC, Sweden*
  • Italo Porto, FESC, Italy*

*non-voting members