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Editorial - June 2021

Dear colleagues,

Here we are with a new editorial at the beginning of the summer season. Finally, it seems that we are at the beginning of the end of the war with what turned out to be the biggest enemy of humanity for the last several decades - COVID-19. We hope this newsletter finds you safe and healthy! We would like to stress out that again our appreciation goes to the army of clinicians and scientists, and to all health care workers and the wider community united in the fight against the pandemic.

The ESC and our WG, have already planned all 2021 activities as virtual events. This year, for the second time, the ESC Congress will be organized as ESC Congress 2021 - The Digital Experience. We (as a working group) will take part in various congress activities.

We would like to remind you not to miss the ESC 2021 Young Investigator Award in Coronary Pathophysiology & Microcirculation session juried by our nucleus members Dirk Duncker, Filippo Crea, Tomasz Guzik, Teresa Padro, and Dimitris Tousoulis. Let all of us support the best research and young investigator.

As previously mentioned, the first live event that our WG will participate in, is Frontiers in CardioVascular Biomedicine 2022, which will be held in Budapest - Hungary, in April 2022. However, until then we are continuing with our scientific activities.

We already started with the preparation of PRE-SCOPE and SCOPE proposals from our working group for the next ESC Annual Congress 2022 in Barcelona, Spain, with the great hope that we will be able to meet all of you in person.

Finally, our position paper about functional and structural adaptations of the coronary macro- and micro-vasculature to regular aerobic exercise: physiological, cellular and molecular mechanisms will be published soon.

We encourage you to network with your peers from our working group using the tool “Join directory”. Simply, sign in to your My ESC account and select “My Directory Profile”. You can share ideas for projects and collaboration with each other and reach to the members of our working group.

Stay tuned and expect soon our next activities.

On behalf of the Working Group nucleus,

Dimitris Tousoulis, Chairperson 2020-2022

Marija Vavlukis, Communication Coordinator 2020-2022