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Women at Heart

Committed to improving heart health for women

Scientific Statement

Cardiovascular diseases in women: a statement from the policy conference of the European Society of Cardiology
Stramba-Badiale M, Fox K M, Priori S G, Collins P, Daly C, Graham I, Jonsson B, Schenck-Gustafsson K, Tendera M. Eur Heart J 2006;27:994-1005

The Women at Heart initiative

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the primary cause of death in European women. It kills a higher percentage of women (55%) even than men (43%) and more than all cancers combined; however, there still exists a disturbing gap in the knowledge, understanding, and general awareness of cardiovascular disease in women, across medical audiences as a whole.

The Women at Heart initiative was launched by the ESC in 2005, to highlight to medical professionals the growing burden and under-appreciation of women’s heart disease and promote improved handling of women at risk of cardiovascular disease in clinical practice.

The Women at Heart initiative included:

  • A Policy Conference on Cardiovascular Disease in Women (June 2005)
  • A Focus on CVD in Women at the ESC Congress & Public Event (Sept. 2005)
  • A Scientific Statement (2006)
  • An Educational Course (2006)

A roll-out was conducted by National Cardiac Societies: 

  • In Sweden: National awareness campaign launched by The Swedish Cardiac Society, The Swedish Heart & Lung foundation and the 1.6 Million Club
  • In Poland: 10th International Congress of the Polish Cardiac Society focussing on CVD in Women