Purpose of the committee
The Data Science Committee oversees coordination of data collection activities led by the ESC for patient research (EuroHeart and GRASP observational studies, registries and trials), cardiovascular care research and health economics studies (ESC Atlas and Burden of Disease), and CV risk modelling (Cardiovascular Risk Collaboration). The Data Science Committee drives data science innovative approaches and strategies for high quality data collection and evidence generation. It aims to enhance synergies between ESC data-driven programmes, facilitating the use of real-world evidence and increasing data access for research – with the objective to help reduce the burden of CVD.
- Stefan James, Sweden
Committee Members
Patient Research / Registries
- Co-Lead: Barbara Casadei, UK
- Co-Lead: Bernard Iung, France
- Rasha Al-Lamee, UK
- Daniel Prieto-Alhambra, UK
- Claire Bouleti, France
- Alida Caforio, Italy
- Davide Capodano, Italy
- Francisco Javier Rossello, Spain
- Aldo Maggioni, Italy
- Lars Wallentin, Sweden
Public Health Research / Atlas & BoD
- Co-Lead: Adam Timmis, UK
- Co-Lead: Steffen Petersen, UK
- Nathalie Conrad, Belgium
- Agnieszka Kaplon-Cieslicka, Poland
- Daniel Scherr, Austria
- Nick Townsend, UK
- Eric Van Belle, France
- Panos Vardas, Greece
Cardiovascular Risk Collaboration
- Co-Lead: Emanuele Di Angelantonio, UK
- Co-Lead: Ana Abreu, Portugal
- Maryam Kavousi, Netherlands
- Bill McEvoy, Ireland
- Frank Wisseren, Netherlands
- Angela Wood, UK