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Management Group of the ESC 


The Management Group of the Board is composed of the President, the Immediate Past President, the President-Elect, the three Vice-Presidents, the Secretary/Treasurer and the 2 to 4 external independent advisors (defined article 8.1-3-c of ESC Statutes).

The roles and responsibilities of the Management Group are described in Article 9-2 of ESC Statutes. The Management Group advises the Board, prepares the Board’s agenda and discussions and oversees the implementation of the Board's decisions. In circumstances that require immediate action to avoid substantial damage, financial or otherwise, to the ESC, the Management Group may make decisions usually falling within the scope of Board responsibilities. The Management Group may confer the decision-making power to the President or the Secretary-Treasurer. The Board will be informed as soon as possible, and by any appropriate means, and will confirm such decisions(s) during its next meeting.

President of the ESC

Prof. Thomas F. Lüscher, UK/Switzerland 

Past-President of the ESC

Prof. Franz Weidinger, Austria

President-Elect of the ESC

Prof. Cecilia Linde, Sweden


Prof. Stephan Windecker, Switzerland


Dr. Carlos Aguiar, Portugal

Prof. Christian Hassager, Denmark

Prof. Susanna Price, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


To be appointed

ESC Chief Executive Officer

Mr Jean-François Riffaud, France

ESC Chief Financial Officer

Mrs. Nathalie Lefebvre, France

ESC Board Secretary

Mrs. Marielle Bigolet, France