The 2024-2026 Committee
Who is on the committee
Assoc. Prof. Jozine Ter Maaten
Cardiologist, University Medical Centre Groningen, Groningen (Netherlands (The))
Areas of interest: advanced and acute heart failure and acute heart failure (diuretic response/congestion) and cardiorenal interaction
Dr. Henrike Arfsten
Resident Department of Internal Medicine II / Division of Cardiology Medical University of Vienna, Austria.
Areas of interest: Heart Failure, Biomarker/Neurohumoral regulation, HFrEF, Echocardiography and Valvular Heart disease
Committee Members
Dr. Emanuele Bobbio
Cardiology consultant at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg (SE)
Areas of interest: cardiomyopathies, myocarditis, advanced heart failure, heart transplantation
Dr. Felix Lindberg
Postdoctoral researcher at Karolinska Institute and intern physician at Karolinska University Hospital.
Dr. Sotiria Liori
Cardiologist/Heart Failure speacialist at Attikon University Hospital, Athens (GR)
Areas of interest: Chronic and acute heart failure, comorbidities, heart and brain, HFpEF
Dr. Cornelia Margineanu,
HF consultant and Advanced imaging training at St George’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London)
Areas of interest: acute and chronic heart failure, CS, iron deficiency, CMR, CCT
Dr. Floran Sahiti
University Hospital Wurzburg and Comprehensive Heart Failure Center, Wurzburg, Germany
Areas of interest: CV Imaging (main focus Echocardiography), Acute and Chronic Heart Failure, Acute Cardiovascular Care
Dr. Mateusz Sokolski, MD, PhD.
Cardiology intern at Wroclaw Medical University, Institute of Heart Diseases (PL)
Areas of interest: Intensive cardiac care, acute and advanced HF, COVID-19 and heart failure, heart transplant/MCS
Dr. Shirley Sze
Cardiology trainee at Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, Glenfield Hospital, University of Leicester (UK)
Areas of interest: chronic heart failure; comorbidities, frailty, malnutrition, sarcopaenia, cardiogeriatrics, clinical trials
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Dr. Jozine Ter Maaten, MD, PhD.
Cardiology intern at University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen (NL)
Areas of interest: acute and advanced heart failure, heart transplant/MCS
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Dr. Daniela Tomasoni
Cardiologist at ASST Spedali Civili, Department of Medical and Surgical Specialties, Radiological Sciences and Public Health, University of Brescia (IT)
Areas of interest: cardiac amyloidosis, HFpEF, advanced HF, valvular heart disease
Dr. Han Naung Tun
Cardiologist and cardiovascular researcher at UVM Health, Larner College of Medicine's University of Vermont , Burlington, VT, (USA)
Areas of interest: acute and chronic heart failure (HFrEF, HFpEF), cardiomypathies, cardiac imaging in heart failure and VHDs and preventive cardiology
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