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Young Practitioners: Bridging the Gap

Dedicated sessions created by Young Interventionalists for Young Interventionalists at EuroPCR

Gregory DucrocqThe positive experience with Learning the Techniques (LTT) at EuroPCR in the past has led to the introduction of the Young Practitioners sessions for 2012. EuroPCR is the leading training forum, it is traditionally staged at the intermediate level and higher, which leaves a gap in learning for younger practitioners. These new sessions are designed to fill this gap with the aim not to talk about the latest technique or stent but rather to teach the basics needed for the 95% of cases that young practitioners face in their daily practice.

The term ‘Young Practitioner’ is used widely and can include trainees as well as those just beginning to work as independent operators performing the basics in PCI. Four extremely interactive sessions will be run by young interventionists for young interventionists and participants will learn alongside each other. This is an important and valuable aspect, as traditionally it can be difficult for younger audiences to feel comfortable raising their opinions in a room of key opinion leaders (KOL’s) and experienced operators. Although KOL’s will be present, they will be a reference point for adding depth to discussions only, and will not act as chairs for the sessions. The facilitators will be inviting full and lively discussions from the audience which will include participants from many parts of the world. This presents an excellent opportunity for the comparison of different approaches across countries and cultures and it is important that both positives and negatives are shared. It is hoped that this environment, where participants are on a similar level professionally, will remove inhibitions and promote honest and frank discussion. The idea is to capture diversity by providing a forum for discussion where people will feel empowered to speak up, ask questions and express their own opinion, in order to share and learn together the fundamentals required to do their jobs.

Live in a box examples have been specially filmed and developed for these sessions and in comparison with the LT forum, aimed at more experienced operators, much more time will be spent on each step from patient selection through to clinical judgement, strategy and decision making. This year there will be a ‘converter’ system which will aid emerging discussions by the quick provision and display of information relating to each debate on large display screens. The goal of this is not to answer all the questions but to allow the discussions to be as lively as interactive as possible.

This new venture is a joint educational process between the EAPCI and EuroPCR and is the first in line of an educational series aimed at young practitioners. EuroPCR is just the start but it is envisaged that these sessions will remain a regular feature for the future. The EAPCI also plan to roll out more educational events across a variety of forums over the coming years – for example exporting the sessions in shorter, focused 2-day PCI seminars for smaller groups of young interventionists. If you are a young practitioner come along and take part in this exciting new learning venture!


We expect that there will be a lot of questions, interaction and reaction. We hope that success this year will act as a catalyst to bring more and more young interventionists along to EuroPCR for years to come - Gregory Ducrocq.

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