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Patient testimonials: every story matters!

Patients are at the heart of the ESC Mission: reducing the burden of cardiovascular disease.

Listening to patients’ stories and experiences and learning from them is crucial for improving patient outcomes and quality of life.

In the testimonials below, ESC Patient Forum members share their challenges, needs, expectations and hopes.

There is a lot to learn from these stories for both the ESC scientific and clinical community and policymakers alike.

Cardiovascular Disease in Women

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in women worldwide. Because symptoms of cardiovascular disease in women may differ from those in men, we are confronted with gender differences, with CVD being understudied, underdiagnosed, and undertreated in women. Patients tell their stories.

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Read Anežka Gombošová's testimonial >

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Read Julie Harris' testimonial >

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Read Mary Galbraith's testimonial >

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Read Noemi De Stoutz' testimonial >

Living with a heart condition

When five new ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines were launched at ESC Congress 2019, members of the Patient Forum shared their experiences of living with chronic coronary syndrome, SVT and pre-diabetes.

Noémi De Stoutz (CHD & SVT)


Inga Drossart (SVT)


Jim Ainslie (CAD)

Paul McGreavy (Pre diabetes and coronary disease)

Changing the perception of cardiovascular disease 

There’s a common misperception among the public that cardiovascular disease affects only older people, or persons with risk factors and an unhealthy lifestyle. Listen to ESC Patient Forum members Julie Harris and Mattias Van Heetvelde who shared their stories for World Heart Day 2023 to prove: cardiovascular disease can affect anyone! 

Julie Harris

Mattias Van Heetvelde

Patient perspective articles 

The European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing regularly publishes patient perspective articles. ESC Patient Forum members contribute to this section. Please find some examples below: