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Current status and needs for changes in critical care training – the voice of the young cardiologists

A paper from the young ACVC community

The creation of a survey collecting information on the training status and needs for young doctors was decided during the ACVC Congress 2018.

Following the analysis of the results, the young community published an article in EHJ-ACVC.


Current status and needs for changes in critical care training: the voice of the young cardiologists

Katarzyna Czerwińska-Jelonkiewicz, Santiago Montero, J Bañeras, A Wood, A Zeid, S De Rosa, F Guerra, O Tica, F Serrano, A Bohm, I Ahrens, M Gierlotka, J Masip, E Bonnefoy, M Lettino, P Kirchhof, A Sionis
On behalf of Young National Ambassadors (YNA) of the Acute Cardiovascular Care Association (ACVC), European Society of Cardiology (ESC)

Read the paper

Watch the discussion

Prof. Christian Hassager, ACVC President and Assoc. Prof. Alessandro Sionis, ACVC Secretary interview the main authors:

  • Katarzyna Czerwinska-Jelonkiewicz, Poland  - previous chair of the ACVC Young Community (2018-2020)
  • Jordi Banera, Spain
  • Santiago Montero, Spain