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A 36-year-old patient with dyspnea and fever

Acute ECG Challenge - Episode 3

17/09/2020 00:00 17/09/2020 Europe/Paris A 36-year-old patient with dyspnea and fever true DD/MM/YYYY


The case


  • Since 4 days: rhinitis, soar throat, fever
    Home physician: PCR SARS-CoV-2 (result?), R/ amoxicilline 2g/24 PO,
    Presents to ED: Increasing fatigue & dyspnea, coughing


  • Tachypneic 21-24; is not able to speak full sentences, temp 38.5°C, O2 saturation 100%, BP 115/70, Pulse: 98bpm, Heart: regular, Lungs: clear

Watch how Dr. Diego Araiza Garaygordobil is reviewing the case after discovered it with Prof. Christiaan Vrints.

The Challengee: Dr. Diego Araiza Garaygordobil, Mexico


"Participating in this ACVC Acute ECG Challenge was really exciting! It's amazing to be able to discuss a case with somebody as Prof. Christiaan Vrints. The lesson I took is that you should always go back to patient chief complaint, ECG, and physical examination."
