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Acute Cardiovascular Care Association Masterclass

27/03/2017 07:30 28/03/2017 20:00 Europe/Paris Acute Cardiovascular Care Association Masterclass

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The Masterclass is a 2 full day top level scientific meeting, aimed at gathering professionals experts and key opinion leaders in the field of Acute Cardiovascular Care to discuss, exchange, debate on current state of practice evaluation advancement and issues in specific acute situation and how to best treat patient.

27-28 March in London, United Kingdom

Scientific Outcome 

Read the “Take home messages” from each session that will serve to question the current practice, provide guidance to necessary studies and guidelines and bring a new vision regarding the best treatment for patients with acute cardiovascular disease

Read the full report 

Scientific Programme

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The Masterclass is designed for executives and high-level professionals in the field of acute cardiovascular care. Together we will evaluate the current state of practice, identify gaps in evidence and gaps in practice in order to contribute to the elaboration of recommendations for the future of the profession.

The programme of the Masterclass will focus on 5 main topics:

  • Chest Pain: Prehospital and in the Emergency Department
  • Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA)
  • Cardiogenic Shock
  • Acute Heart Failure
  • Mechanical circulatory support

The content is focused on providing the latest scientific advancements in the field, communicate and exchange on ACCA ‘s recommendations and engage the audience in strategic discussions with the following objectives: call on their participation as much to update their knowledge with the new directions in the fields and to contribute to the elaboration of reference papers.


The Masterclass will take place at Hotel Paddington in London, UK

Hilton London Paddington

146 Praed Street

W2 1EE London, GB

Who should attend?

The Masterclass is designed for high level expert professionals in the field to lead the way to the future in acute cardiovascular care.

You are also offered the possibility to nominate an expert among your colleagues to attend this exclusive Masterclass. 

Why you should attend?

Network with colleagues & peers: More than 600 experts will be invited to participate
Interact with a panel of leaders in the profession on:

  • State of the Art - State of Practice
  • Identify gaps in evidence, gaps in practice (through presentation of cases)
  • Future trends

For any questions, please feel free to contact us at