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ESC 2023 Guidelines – a webinar series

The 2023 ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines – what do these new recommendations mean for you and your patients?

“Keeping our members up to date and feeling confident about applying the latest recommendations is vital, which is why the ESC is launching a brand new webinar series to help you understand how the recommendations were constructed (the evidence behind the guidelines) and explore their clinical applications using a case-based approach.” Susanna Price, ESC Education Committee Chair.

Once announced at ESC Congress, each guideline will, in turn, be the focus of these ESC webinars. The series is designed for practicing general cardiologists to understand the impact of guideline changes on their day-to-day practice, and also for those working in subspecialty areas where they need to know key changes in guidelines outside their main area of expertise.

ESC Associations, Councils and Working Groups will then bring you additional webinars, designed for specialists and experts in any given field, as well as for general cardiologists who seek more in-depth knowledge on a particular topic.

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Webinar programme



Acute Coronary Syndromes

Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes

Heart Failure