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EHRA Cardiac Pacing with Emphasis on ICD/CRT

Part of the EHRA Training fellowship programme

Device Therapy
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT)
Antibradycardia Pacing
Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD)
Device Complications and Lead Extraction
Arrhythmias and Device Therapy

The EHRA Training Fellowship programme application period is 15 September to 15 November.


The EHRA invites you to apply for the EHRA Advanced training Fellowship Programme.

Purpose of the EHRA Training Fellowship Programme

To provide an opportunity for clinical training in the field of Arrhythmias and Cardiac Pacing in an ESC member country, for medical graduates having completed their cardiology training but before obtaining a "permanent", "senior staff" or consultant position.

This programme can be considered as a valorisation of the geographical mobility as well as cultural exchanges and professional practice in the field of cardiology. 

The goal of this programme is to help young candidates attain clinical competence and acquire high-quality experience in Cardiac Pacing with emphasis on ICD/CRT practices which will enable them to contribute to improving academic standards upon return to their own country.


The EHRA Training Fellowships is dedicated for physicians with extensive experience in the fields of cardiology and basic cardiac pacing with emphasis on ICD/CRT in a regular ESC member country preferably outside their home country.

The fellow will gained advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of : pacemaker and ICD, including bi-ventricular pacing, hissian pacing, leadless pacing, and S-ICD leads extractions and other challenging cases.

Applicants are advised to read the Rules & Regulations information before applying.


This programme is restricted to EHRA Recognised Training Centres (ERTC) only.

ERTC will need to apply specifically.


The Training Fellowship Selection Committee will review applications from both individuals and centres and provide the best suitable match to ensure a successful collaboration during the training fellowship.

Applicants eligible are those who:  

  • are citizens or permanent residents of a regular ESC member country
  • have completed their specialisation 10 years ago maximum
  • are preferably less than 40 years of age on the day of the application deadline 
  • are  EHRA Member (mandatory)
  • Fluent English and/or other local required language (B2 level in most countries).
    • The Fellow will have to check local regulations and agreed training status (hands-on or hands-off) with the centre he/she is doing his/her fellowship.


Final validation of the application will be subject to visa approval (when needed).

All paperwork (visa, language certificate...) should be completed in due time in order to not delay the starting period. 

Prior to their application, candidates and centres should carefully read the Rules and Regulations of the EHRA Training Fellowship programme.

Applicants who are in double about their eligibility are advised to contact the EHRA prior to applying.

Application process for candidates

The applicant will be required to apply exclusively through the online application form divided into 3 parts. Applications by email or paper applications will not be accepted.

  • To access the online application form please log in to your My ESC account and select 'New Application' in the 'Grant' section and select "Candidate application" 
  • Part A – Main application form to be filled in online by the applicant
    • Once you are logged in, go to ‘Applications’ and select 'New Application'
  • Part B – (downloadable document on the website): application form to be filled in by the head of department or supervisor, and uploaded by the applicant
  • Part C – (downloadable document on the website): application form to be filled in by the Referee, and uploaded by the applicant

NNB: Part B & C once filled in, need to be uploaded in the main online application form (Part A) by the applicant.

Other documents: (CV, publications lists and career intentions) need to be uploaded too for the application to be complete before submission.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to save their documents in PDF before uploading them online. 

IMPORTANT: The EHRA Fellowship Training programme application form will be visible and accessible during the application period only if you fulfil the eligibility criteria. If you cannot access it but believe that you are eligible, check your My ESC account to ensure that your information is accurate. If it is but you still cannot access the application, contact EHRA for assistance.

Rules and regulations

For more information, see the rules and regulations for the EHRA Cardiac Pacing with Emphasis on ICD/CRT fellowship.

Application process for centres

  • Applications are submitted exclusively via an online form
  • Applications by email or paper applications will not be accepted
  • To access the online application form please log in to your My ESC account and select 'New Application' in the 'Grant' section and select centre application

                                                   Deadline to apply: 29 November 

EHRA training fellowship grading Process

  • Online grading tool is set and shared with the EHRA Selection committee members
  • Each EHRA Selection committee member grades individually
  • An EHRA Selection committee meeting is organised to nominate the final winners, select the training centres and proceed with the matching.
  • The EHRA Selection Committee will evaluate application through the analysis of the basic theoretical and practice experience, previous training experience, scientific engagement and personal project