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EHRA Award for best publication

For the EHRA training fellowships awardees only

Arrhythmias and Device Therapy
Submission for applications is now open!


This new initiative aims at promoting research and scientific publication by stimulating collaboration between host centre and fellow within the EHRA Training Fellowship Programme.

Who can apply?

A current or recent trainee (within the past two years, prior to the time of application) of an EHRA Training Fellowship Programme: Basic or Advanced.

The fellow (first author only) will receive 1.000,00 EUR for the publication with the highest impact factor.

How to apply?

Copy of one or more manuscript(s) together with the confirmation letter of acceptance for publication in the Europace Journal or in another peer reviewed journal

A comprehensive description of the applicant’s role in the project

A supporting letter from the project leader or fellow’s supervisor describing the importance of the project and the applicant’s role

Awardees of the Advanced (starting in 2012 & 2013) & Basic (starting in 2011) Programmes are welcome to apply. Please find here the application form.