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ESC Grants at ESC Congress in Paris

Activities regarding the ESC Grants in Paris during Congress

Are you interested in knowing more about the ESC Research and Training grants? We will be in Paris to meet with you!

Opening ceremony!

178-2018-08-27-esc-congress.jpgThe 2019 Research and Training grants awards will be announced during the always spectacular opening ceremony of the ESC Congress on Saturday 31st from 17:00. Come and share their joy!


Research Funding Area


Information regarding ESC Research and Training grants will be provided, throughout the Congress on the Research Funding Area!


ESC Grants presentation & Interview of prior awardees

201-2018-08-26-esc-congress.jpgMonday 02 September, from 15:30 to 16:00, you can come on the Professional Members Lounge to hear about the ESC Grants and listen to prior awardees sharing their experience.