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Types of sessions

Heart Failure Congress

Scientific & Educational programme: session types

Mobile App Interactive Voting – HFA Focus

mobile app 2.jpgDiscussions around practical cases by the experts who will call upon the audience in regards to the management of the case.  These sessions will be concluded by recommendations based on new ESC Guidelines on the diagnosis & treatment of heart failure.

The audience has the opportunity to vote and ask questions directly via the Heart Failure Mobile Application during these highly interactive sessions !

Grand Debates

Daily practice oriented sessions: speakers will give educational presentations to be followed by intense discussions.

How-to sessions

Provide practical, informative material and have a great educational value. Sessions focused on demonstration of techniques and practices by experts.


Ninety-minute long sessions in which renowned experts present state of the art reviews on all aspects of heart failure with special time allocated for panel discussions to assure the interaction with the audience.

Special sessions


  • Late Breaking Science: presenters will share the very latest results of their research. The presentations will be concluded by a review from an expert. Be there to hear about the latest developments in heart failure
  • The year's best papers on heart failure: organised with the European Journal of Heart Failure, the traditional “Best of EHJ-EJHF” session provides the audience with an opportunity to review the best papers published throughout the year.
  • Heart Failure 2020 Highlights: Experts summarise the best findings of the congress, in short presentations by topic. Attend this session to get an overview of the entire congress

Again this year!

HFA Championships-2019The HFA Championships:  Delegations from three different countries will compete by presenting a case of their choice. Each case presentation will be judge by a panel of experts and by members selected directly in the audience. Come and support a team and join in this educational game. This new session will be interactive via the HF2020 Mobile App.


Young Investigator Award (YIA) sessions

Agora 2.jpgA competition designed for abstract submitters / presenters 35 years old or under.

Finalists will receive a free registration to come to Vienna to present their research. They will be judged by a panel of experts who will determine a First Prize Winner (€1 000 prize) and two Runners-Up (€250 prize each).


Nursing Investigator Award (NIA) session

A competition designed to recognise significant contributions from investigators in the field of cardiovascular nursing.

Finalists will receive a free registration to come to Barcelona and present their research. They will be judged by a panel of experts who will determine a First Prize Winner (€1 000 prize) and two Runners-Up (€250 prize each).

Rapid fire sessions

Fast-paced and interactive oral presentations on research highlights, followed by discussions animated by two experts shairing the session!

Moderated Poster sessions

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Presenters will highlight key points of their research and answer questions from two moderators in front of an audience during official coffee breaks.




Poster Sessions

During the day-long sessions, presenters are given the opportunity to display their research highlights and interact with their peers during breaks. Poster sessions are a very popular platform where our community truly comes together to network and exchange.

Poster Sessions HF - 2019

Special Posters

Clinical Case Corner : presenters selected will display their cases in this dedicated zone in the Poster Area

Clinical Forum: Late Breaking trials, Clinical trials, Late Breaking Research for Clinical & Basic Science…

Clinical case sessions

Sharing challenging clinical cases to learn and exchange!
Coordinated by the Heart failure specialists Of Tomorrow of the HFA (HOT), these sessions will open the floor for discussion on clinical case management – take this opportunity to share your opinion!

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The best graded cases will be featured in the "Clinical Case Awards". All finalists selected for this session will receive free registration to Heart Failure 2020


Scientific & Educational programme: categories

World Congress on Acute Heart Failure

A complete programme featuring symposia, debates, educational sessions, late breaking trial and abstract sessions. You'll find this offer under the category "World Congress on Acute Heart Failure".

Joint sessions

In order to address specific topics directly with the experts, we are co-organising Joint Sessions with International, European and Local Associations. These sessions help to strengthen collaboration between the HFA  and our partners in the field.

Basic & Translational Science

The Heart Failure congress offers a complete offer for Basic Scientists, with a number of scientific and educational sessions with experts and a rich abstract-based programme with state of the art research in the field.

Local Track

Heart Failure has once again developed a series of sessions destined to a local audience organised in collaboration with the local institutions and experts.