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I am a Faculty self-recording my presentation

Heart Failure 2021 online and on demand, 29 June – 1 July

You have been invited to record your presentation at your own convenience between the given time frame below, using an automated recording assistance service. Presentations of your session will be packaged all together, the full session will be available on-demand on the HF 2021 event platform.

I am a Chairperson (Session Host)

We are committed to giving the best and most dynamic exposure to your presentation. We invite you to consider these few simple tips and tricks: make your recorded presentation stand out.

We HIGHLY recommend that you use the HF 2021 slide template.

I am a Chairperson recording a session introduction

We will send you a title slide which you will need to upload including 1 min voice over to introduce the speakers and topic of the session. This timing should be strictly respected. The use of your webcam will be mandatory.

Important dates:

-Online upload/Recording opens - Thursday 20 May 2021.

-Upload deadline - Thursday 3 June 2021.

This deadline will not be extended. All presentations not uploaded by this date will be removed from the programme.

I am a Chairperson recording a session conclusion

By 19th May, you will be provided a link to view the presentations of your session.

You will then need to prepare a 3-slides PowerPoint presentation including 5 min voice over to deliver a take-home message from the speaker presentations. This timing should be strictly respected. The use of your webcam will be mandatory.

Important dates:

-Online upload/Recording opens - Thursday 20 May 2021.

-Upload deadline - Thursday 3 June 2021.

This deadline will not be extended. All presentations not uploaded by this date will be removed from the programme.

I am a Speaker

We are committed to giving the best and most dynamic exposure to your presentation. We invite you to consider these few simple tips and tricks: make your recorded presentation stand out.

We HIGHLY recommend that you use the HF 2021 slide template.

You will need to upload a 16-slides PowerPoint presentation (with the title slide) including 12 min voice over. This timing should be strictly respected, and the system will not allow you to go over. The use of your webcam will be mandatory.

Important dates:

-Online upload/Recording opens - Tuesday 27 April 2021.

-Upload deadline - Friday 14 May 2021.

This deadline will not be extended. All presentations not uploaded by this date will be removed from the programme.

Audiovisual technical Guidelines for your Presentation

All presentations should be 16:9 formatted and have a 1280 x 720 minimum resolution.
They will be displayed from a PC with Windows 7 and PowerPoint 2016.

Declaration of interest(s) is mandatory, but you do not have to insert it in your presentation. You will be required to disclose your potential conflict(s) of interest at the time of the submission of your agreement form. The information collected will then be automatically inserted by our service as 2nd slide of your presentation. If no conflict(s) – please state NO Conflict to declare.
No need then to create your own DOI slide.

In order to ensure optimal delivery of your presentation, please comply with the following guidelines in the preparation of your presentation:

  • Your presentation must be prepared in PowerPoint version: type .pptx - for optimal rendering please use the HF 2021 slide template
  • Preferred page set-up is landscape orientation (portrait orientation will not be displayed correctly).
  • Use standard Windows fonts only. Try to avoid the use of non-standard Windows fonts or language-specific fonts.
  • Images: Do not copy and paste the images from another application, please use the “insert image from a file” functionality from PowerPoint (format JPG or PNG). Make sure that the inserted images have a minimum resolution of 300dpi.
  • Video: All videos must be embedded in your presentation. To avoid any issue with movies and loops with PowerPoint, presentations MUST be saved as .pptx files.
  • Apple: Please give your filename an extension “pptx” (Preferred version: PowerPoint 2016).
  • Check your presentation on a Windows-operated computer (preferably Win7) before you upload it 

To the attention of MAC users - If your presentation is on a Mac computer, we recommend you ONLY provide a Windows-compatible file.

How to upload my presentation?


You must record the commentary related to your slides - Before you start the upload process, YOU FIRST NEED TO INSTALL THE DEDICATED APP using the following link -

Once connected, you will see under the presentation title a link to upload.

• A step by step wizard will take you through the process
• Upload your Powerpoint presentation, record your commentary including your webcam and validate your presentation
• You will be first directed to your Speaker Profile to update your profile
o Option to upload a picture or to give your consents for use of the existing picture
o Option to provide or update Social Media information
• For each presentation uploaded you will receive a confirmation email with the status of your upload
• To modify your upload, you can re-access the service and upload a corrected version, only the latest uploaded version will be kept