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Types of sessions

EuroHeartCare 2020, 4-6 June, Seville

EuroHeartCare 2020’s programme has been carefully designed to provide education and training in a dynamic and engaging format with dedicated tracks providing practical guidance on how to perform procedures, implement guidelines and deliver high quality clinical care as well as expose its audience to cutting-edge scientific advances.

See the below list of session types and familiarise yourself with the programme.

Main Sessions

EHC2018-lecture room1.jpgExperts present state-of-the-art lectures on nursing and cardiovascular care, as well as guidelines and recommendations from the perspective of daily-practical clinical activities.

These sessions feature 3 to 5 dedicated lectures presented by leading experts.



How to Sessions

These educational sessions are led by experienced practitioners. A series of presentation tutorials are tailored to give the audience specific guidance for clinical practice guidelines on implementation and research development.


Allow in-depth discussion on development in various fields of cardiovascular nursing.

Oral Abstract Session

EHC2018-Oral-session-award.jpgTwo experts of the topics selected / presented will co-chair the session, stimulate discussions and encourage interaction between presenters and the audience on the findings presented.

Up to 8 abstracts will be presented in one session. The presenter will highlight the research purpose, methods, results and conclusion. Delegates can consult abstracts online beforehand, and join the discussion.

A reviewing committee will attend these sessions, listen to all presentations and grade in order to select winners for the best research presented. One winner per session will receive a certificate and free registration to EuroHeartCare 2021.

Oral Clinical-Case Session

What is a clinical case learning session?

The best Clinical Cases submitted are retained for presentation in highly interactive and educational sessions.

Trainees and Young clinicians will present their cases and experts will be asked to moderate the sessions, prompt discussions and challenge both presenters and audience as the main objective of these sessions is to learn from laborious clinical case scenarios.

A reviewing committee will attend the session, listen to all presentations and grade them in order to award the best research presented.

ACNAP Clinical Case Excellence Award:

  • € 2,000 and a free admission to EuroHeartCare 2021

The ACNAP Clinical Case Excellence Award is open to all nurses and allied professionals with an active ACNAP Silver membership.

Moderated Posters Session

EHC2018-Moderated-Poster.jpgPresented in the poster area, these posters will be showcased during inter-session breaks.

Two moderators will conduct the session and allow 5-min overview of the research then select the  "Best Moderated Poster Presentation" by the end of each session.

Posters are then available for further consultation by the audience during the duration of the poster session on Friday and Saturday morning.

Oral abstract presenters and Moderated poster presenters must attend the Closing Ceremony for Awards Announcements.

Poster Session

EHC2018-Poster-session.jpgResearch is presented in a Print Poster format and is displayed for the one day - to allow sufficient visibility and interaction opportunities.

The poster area, is the place to meet colleagues and peers and specifically address issues related to your daily practice/field of interest/research.

The poster area is at the heart of the congress venue to boost exposure of presented researches.

Top Scores ! In recognition for all top scored researches, you will find a ribbon badge to distinguish the best posters.