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Editorial - December 2020

ESC Working Group on Thrombosis

Dear Members,


I am writing this letter to you at a time when we are all working hard and under difficult conditions due to the Covid-19 pandemic. I know that some of you have been struck hard with personal losses to contend with and we would like to convey our heartfelt condolences to all of you. There is now light at the end of the tunnel, perhaps our greatest gift for the coming Holiday season, even though we all know we still have to wait for months until we regain freedom of movement. When we do, I am sure that we will meet one another again in person. We, the nucleus members of the Working Group of Thrombosis, look very much forward to doing just that and discuss what we have been able to do in the past period, and what we look forward to doing again, hopefully in joyous collaborations across Nations when it comes to our scientific endeavours. As mentioned in the last newsletter, we aim to run the Eurothrombosis Meeting in Autumn 2021, the Educational Training program on Antithrombotic Therapy as well as the FCVB in Budapest in 2022 and to contribute to the ESC Summer Course in 2023. Places where we can all meet. So, keep sending us your input as to sessions topics and seminars.


As you know, the WG Thrombosis Young Researchers (WGTYR) have initiated a “commentary of the month” that is written both by a WGTYR member and a senior member. This time the WGTYR is represented by William Parker from Sheffield, and our senior member is Christina Christersson from Uppsala. You can read their commentaries on the website. If you have a “must-read” that you would like to put forward then please send them to the WGT communication coordinator.


Wishing you all the best and with season’s greetings, also on behalf of our chairperson Gemma Vilahur.


On behalf of the Working Group nucleus,


Heleen van Beusekom, Communication Coordinator of the WGT 2020-2022