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Editorial - August 2020

ESC Working Group on Thrombosis news

ESC Working Groups

Dear Members of the Working Group on Thrombosis

We have a number of exciting sessions in ESC 2020 The Digital Experience and have highlighted some that we think may be broadly relevant to our group. Please do support the Young Investigator Session and watch the stars of tomorrow.

We have all, no doubt, had a challenging time with COVID-19. We have taken the difficult decision to postpone our planned meeting in October, and now the EuroThrombosis & EuroVessels Conference 2020, the first biennial meeting of the the Working Group on Thrombosis (WGT) and the Working Group on Aorta & Peripheral Vascular Diseases (ESC WG A-PVD) of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), is now rescheduled to take place 11-13 November 2021 in Lisbon.

During the lockdown period, the Working Group on Thrombosis Young Researchers have been considering how to achieve better engagement amongst our members, particularly given the lack of face-to-face conferences at the present time. We are pleased to report that, in conjunction with the main Working Groups of the ESC, we created a Facebook group for the Young Research Group. It is hoped this will provide a great opportunity to share information, ideas and for networking. As well as news of events, there is a plan to include case discussions, interesting ECGs and highlight newly published papers of interest to young thrombosis researchers. Please keep a look out for the launch details of the group and we hope as many of our young members as possible will be able to join.

With best wishes for the rest of the summer, and looking forward to the ESC.

Dirk Sibbing, Chair 2018-2020, WGT

Gemma Vilahur, Chair-Elect 2018-2020, WGT

 Bianca Rocca, Past-Chair 2018-2020, WGT

Andrea Rubboli, Treasurer 2018-2020, WGT

Diana Gorog, Secretary 2018-2020, WGT


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