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Editorial - In memoriam of Prof. Jean-Philippe Collet - February 2024

ESC Working Group on Thrombosis news

As current Nucleus of the ESC Working Group on Thrombosis, were deeply shocked and saddened by the unexpected and premature passing of Prof. Jean-Philippe Collet (bottom left). The European and international cardiovascular community has known him for a long time, for his outstanding scientific and professional value, as well as for his continuous, and generous commitment to the activities of the ESC.

At the ESC Working Group on Thrombosis, we got to know him equally well especially during the years he spent as member of the Nucleus. In this period he always poured energy and commitment into the Working Group initiatives, always with extreme kindness, humility and even a hint of shyness. He will be missed very much by all of us in the ESC Working Group on Thrombosis and we would like to remember him as when we took this picture together on the occasion of a Nucleus meeting held in Rome … which he reached from Paris riding his beloved motorcycle.

The 2022-2024 Nucleus of the ESC Working Group on Thrombosis

picture obituary Jean-Philippe Collet.jpg

Photo of members ESC WG on Thrombosis 2020

Top row standing (L) to (R): Walter Speidl, Andrea Rubboli, Dirk Sibbing, Bruna Gigante, Joao Morais, Robert Storey, Erik L, Grove, Johann Wojta

Bottom row crouched (L) to (R): Jean-Philippe Collet, Gemma Vilahur, Corinne Gomez, Bianca Rocca, Jolanta Siller-Mattula, Diana Gorog