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Right Heart Thrombi European Registry


This is a European Registry of patients with right heart thrombi (RiHT) detected at echocardiography. Right heart thrombi can be found relatively rare in approximately 3-4% of patients with acute pulmonary embolism (APE).  

All of us have faced clinical problems how to manage such patients. Since there are no generally accepted recommendations we know that therapy selection can be very difficult.

Although recent Guidelines of European Society of Cardiology in the management of acute pulmonary embolism underlined “RiHT, particularly mobile, is associated with a significantly increased early mortality risk in patients with acute PE. Immediate therapy is mandatory, but optimal treatment is controversial in the absence of controlled trials. Thrombolysis and embolectomy are probably both effective while anticoagulation alone seems to be less effective”.

The main goals of RiHTER are to assess the prognostic significance of right heart thrombi and their characteristics in pulmonary embolism (PE) in relation to established prognostic factors.

138 patients with RiHT from 17 centers from 8 European countries have been included in the registry. Preliminary results of RiHTER were presented during ESC and ACC congresses.


RIHTER  Organizing Committee 

Piotr Pruszczyk, Poland           
Adam Torbicki, Poland  
Stavros Konstantinides, Germany   
Nicolas Meneveau, France
Marcin Koć, project coordinator   

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