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ESC Working Group on Cellular Biology of the Heart

The ESC Working Group on Cellular Biology of the Heart aims to promote understanding of the importance of cell biology with respect to the heart. We bring together basic scientists and clinicians, with the aim of inspiring translational research in a variety of fields including coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation/arrhythmias, and heart failure. As such, we regularly interact with other ESC working groups, contributing our collective expertise on molecular and cellular mechanisms of cardiac health and disease. Our working group is keen to attract a diverse range of new members with an interest in learning about, discussing or promoting cellular biology of the heart.

Aims and activities


  • To promote basic science and translational research in cellular biology of the heart
  • To encourage fruitful links between clinical medicine and laboratory-based research.
  • To work together to develop translational research projects that will lead to novel therapeutic targets for treating patients with heart disease.
  • To engage young cardiovascular scientists in the activities of the working group


    • Publish position papers on key topics related to cellular biology of the heart
    • Organise a bi-annual Joint Meeting with the Working Group on Myocardial Function
    • Collaborate with the Council on Basic Science, in particular with the organization of scientific meetings such as the Frontiers in CardioVascular Biomedicine (FCVB) and the ESC Basic Science Summer School 
    • Collaborate with affiliated member societies including non-ESC entities such as International Society of Heart Research (ISHR)

    Nucleus 2024-2026



    Maurizio Pesce, Italy


    Thomas Krieg, FESC, UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


    Cinzia Perrino, FESC, Italy


    Ioanna Andreadou, Greece


    Francesco Paneni, FESC, Switzerland


    Nazha Hamdani, Germany

    Nucleus Members

    • Zoltan Giricz, Hungary
    • Attila Kiss, FESC, Austria
    • Elisa Liehn, Denmark
    • Ange Maguy, Switzerland
    • Anna Planavila, Spain
    • Katrin Streckfuss-Boemeke, Germany
    • Gemma Chiva-Blanch*, FESC, Spain, ESC Scientists of Tomorrow (SoT) representative
    • Paul Evans*, FESC, UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,  ESC Council on Basic Cardiovascular Science (CBCS) representative
    • Pasquale Maffia*, FESC, UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, ESC WG on Atherosclerosis and Vascular Biology (AVB) representative
    • Ricardo Sanz Ruiz*, Spain, ESC WG on Cardiovascular Regenerative & Reparative Medicine (CARE) representative
    • Sophie Van Linthout*, Germany, Heart Failure Association of the ESC (HFA) representative

    *non-voting members