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Editorial - February 2024

ESC Working Group on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology

ESC Working Groups

I hope that 2024 has got off to a great start for all members of the ESC Working Group on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology (CCE)!  

As promised in the previous edition, I am delighted to provide a little bit more information on the next annual WG meeting. The 48th edition of the WG CCE annual meeting will be held 1-3 July, 2024 in my new hometown of Graz, Austria. 

The nucleus is currently working hard collecting nominations for the Carmeliet-Corabouf-Weidmann award lecture and shaping the remainder of the programme. As soon as the programme is finished, this will be published on the official event website: 48th EWGCCE Meeting 2024. Of course, in good tradition, abstract and poster presentations will be a central element of the meeting. You will once again have the option to submit an abstract, which will be used to select the oral presentations, or a title for a poster presentation. The link to the submission system as well as the deadlines for abstract/title submission and (early-bird) registration will be announced on the event website in the near future. 

I look forward to welcoming you all to Graz in July for 2.5 days of excellent science! 

Finally, please keep in mind that WG elections are taking place this spring. Please visit the WG elections webpage for more information. 

Jordi Heijman 
Chairperson WG CCE