Chairperson editorial
Dear members,
With the transition from summer to autumn, the nucleus of the ESC Working Group on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology has been hard at work preparing for the next annual meeting: the 44th EWGCCE to be held from June 6-8, 2020 in Amsterdam. I am very proud to be hosting this stand-alone meeting in my beautiful city and look forward to welcoming our members at the Royal Tropical Institute. Please check the website for further details on the program schedule as well as abstract and travel award submission deadlines!
In addition to our annual meeting, I am delighted to announce that the Working Group will support Scientific Exchange Grants, to be used by our early career members to spend time abroad at another institute with the purpose of learning a new technique and strengthening collaboration between institutes. Access the website for further details.
Finally, we proudly pre-announce the first-ever webinar from our Working Group, which will be given by Prof. Edward Carmeliet, one of the founders of the EWGCCE. During this webinar, to be held on 28 January 2020 at 18:00-19:00 CET, Prof. Carmeliet will discuss “Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology: Back to Basics”. We are very grateful to Prof. Carmeliet for sharing his unique expertise and knowledge, and I hope this webinar will be the start of many more in the near future, providing a platform for sharing knowledge and fostering interaction between our members. The webinar is open to all, you can register online now.
Carol Ann Remme
Chairperson, EWGCCE