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Editorial - October 2020

ESC Working Group on Aorta and Peripheral Vascular Diseases news

Dear Members,

This year our Working Group celebrates its 40th anniversary! Under the leadership of many dedicated chairs, we aim at increasing awareness and knowledge of aortic and peripheral vascular diseases not only among cardiologists and other healthcare specialists but also the community and people with vascular disease. We have grown to offer a place for interaction among all specialists taking care of patients with vascular disease. It is to follow this path, traced by the previous chairs, that the newly appointed one and all the nucleus members will work together further developing extended partnerships with other entities of the ESC but also with other societies interested in the aorta and peripheral vessels. For this purpose, we welcome in our nucleus Prof S. Debus representing the European Society of Vascular Surgery and Prof J. Belch representing the European Society of Vascular Medicine. Along the same line, several of our nucleus members will represent us in different ESC councils and WGs extending our networking and collaboration; also, a number of projects, such as consensus papers, webinars, educational training programmes, and congresses are on their way.

In this spirit, I am looking forward to fruitful years to come and we welcome all our new members!

On behalf of the Working Group nucleus,

Lucia Mazzolai, Chairperson 2020-2022


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