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Editorial - August 2020

ESC Working Group on Aorta & Peripheral Vascular Diseases

Dear Members of the WG on Aorta & PVDs,

It is with great emotion that I am writing to you this editorial, the last as the Chair of our WG.

These last 2 years have been intense in different activities. I would emphasize the production of several position papers and consensus documents, mostly with close collaboration with other entities within the ESC and other vascular societies. Also, 2 educational training programmes, one in 2018 in Brussels, another in 2019 in Nice, was organized around the different aspects of vascular medicine. A new ETP on the Aorta is planned for 2021.

We have also paved the way for our first congress, in collaboration with the WG on Thrombosis: the Eurothrombosis & Eurovessels congress, initially planned for 2020, will be held in Lisbon, Nov 11-13, 2021. Save the Date!

These activities testify the dynamism of our community, highlighting the increasing and reviving interest on “vessels” within the cardiology community. Another illustration: we are now more than 600 members, doubling the number in a few years!

Many thanks to all those committed in different activities of this WG.

I would keep my last thanks to Marianne Brodmann, our “editor in chief” of our section within the WG Newsletters. Also thanks to all those who have regularly posted articles in these newletters.

It will be my pleasure to hand over the chairmanship to Lucia Mazzolai. We have successfully collaborated these last years. The WG on Aorta & PVD stays on track!

Kindest Regards,

aboyans_v-2016.jpgVictor Aboyans, MD, PhD, FESC, 2018-2020 Chair

PS- Our Working Group will be soon under the spotlight in the Pulse section of the EHJ: stay tuned!


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