The first joint plenary session of the Working Group on Peripheral Circulation and the EAPCI was held during the EuroPCR 2015 congress on Wednesday, May 20th. During this widely attended session, different Treatment options for superficial femoral artery (SFA) disease were presented by a panel of experts in the field.
Dr. M. Brodmann presented the scope of the problem, as well as data regarding pharmacological therapy and lifestyle modification. The “endovascular first” algorithm and relevant tools, were discussed by Dr. M. De Carlo. The expanding role of drug coated balloons, including their pros and cons, as well as the rationale of scaffolding long, complex lesions were presented by Dr E. Stabile and A. Micari respectively.
Finally, the continuous need of femoro-popliteal bypass as an adjunct to endovascular techniques was discussed by Dr. Vermassen.
The success of this session set the stage for a close collaboration between the EAPCI and the WG on Peripheral Circulation, in the interest of treatment of peripheral disease.
The upcoming PCR Istanbul Peripheral Course (26th-28th November 2015) will further facilitate the adaptation of interventional skills to the peripheral environment.