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Working Group Talk "Metabolic aspects of heart failure"

Live Online Event of the ESC WG on Cellular Biology of the Heart

22/02/2022 17:00 22/02/2022 18:00 Europe/Paris Working Group Talk "Metabolic aspects of heart failure"

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ESC Working Group on Cellular Biology of the Heart DD/MM/YYYY
Basic Science
Acute Heart Failure


Mitochondria and metabolism are central to healthy cardiac function and critically involved in the development of heart failure. This talk will provide insight into the basic science underpinning heart failure, which is valuable for understanding the mechanism of new therapeutics such as SGLT2 inhibitors and others.

Metabolic aspects of heart failure

Chairpersons: Sean Davidson (UK) and Thomas Krieg (UK)

Redox regulation in heart failure

Speaker: Christoph Maack (DE)

Impact of sodium on metabolism in heart failure.

Speaker: Dunja Aksentijević (UK)
