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Top ESC stories in the news in 2019

ESC press releases that made the most headlines


Environmental and lifestyle issues were popular this year, with pick up from both ESC journals and congresses.


Here is a list of the top ten ESC stories that generated the most media coverage worldwide:

  1. Air pollution causes 800,000 extra deaths a year in Europe and 8.8 million worldwide: 1,650 clippings (European Heart Journal)
  2. Bed time is the best time to take blood pressure medication: 1,404 clippings (European Heart Journal)
  3. Brush your teeth to protect the heart: 750 clippings (European Journal of Preventive Cardiology)
  4. Fathers-to-be should avoid alcohol six months before conception: 513 clippings (European Journal of Preventive Cardiology)
  5. Ability to lift weights quickly can mean a longer life: 498 clippings (EuroPrevent 2019)
  6. Late dinner and no breakfast is a killer combination: 467 clippings (European Journal of Preventive Cardiology)
  7. Move more to live longer: 436 clippings (EuroPrevent 2019)
  8. Women call ambulance for husbands with heart attacks but not for themselves: 386 clippings (Acute Cardiovascular Care 2019)
  9. Eating nuts linked with lower risk of fatal heart attack and stroke: 351 clippings (ESC Congress 2019 together with the World Congress of Cardiology)
  10. Fathers-to-be: smoking could harm your baby: 239 clippings (European Journal of Preventive Cardiology)

Check out all 2019 ESC press releases here.


Have a safe and joyful holiday season. We look forward to sharing more ESC science with you in the New Year!



Notes to editor

 Authors: ESC Press Office
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About the European Society of Cardiology

The European Society of Cardiology brings together health care professionals from more than 150 countries, working to advance cardiovascular medicine and help people lead longer, healthier lives.