ESC Webinars in General Cardiology
Discover the specific package for young cardiologists under 36!
More information here
Discover the ESC e-Learning Platform here!
ESC Guidelines
Guidelines aim to present all the relevant evidence on a particular clinical issue in order to help physicians to weigh the benefits and risks of a particular diagnostic or therapeutic procedure
Pocket Guidelines on your Smartphones
Put these ESC Pocket Guidelines on your Pocket PC, PDA, Palm OS and other Smartphones handheld now and download for free!
Educational Courses
Courses follow a practical and interactive, 'how to' style with clear learning objectives and will be submitted for accreditation through EBAC.
Courses take place at the European Heart House or at other venues in Europe. All Educational Courses are in English only.
Check the list of ESC Educational courses and register!
Online Learning
Slide Resource, Webcasts, Clinical cases, Webinars from the ESC and the Associations of the ESC.